Monday, December 24, 2007

Hello, Food-Blogging World!

Hi. My name is Katelyn. And a little while back, I discovered food blogs.

Pure joy! There is such a plethora of wonderful and unique recipes people have been kind enough to post that I couldn't help but want to be a part of it all! So here I am, with my modest little food blog among so many that have inspired me with their cooking and baking.

I try to make healthy things, but don't let that scare you off! See, I got tired of having to settle for food that tasted half as good as the original just because it had half the calories; so my goal is to create recipes that are better for you but DON'T sacrifice taste! This involves lots of trial and error, not to mention patience. But I refuse to post a recipe that tastes just OK. Everything I post I like, and I hope you will too!



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